Why ‘1956 Individuals’?

  • In 1956 the Dartmouth Conference marked the birth of AI as a field of study

  • It explored how machines could simulate human intelligence

  • Prominent attendees including John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Allen Newell

  • It is credited for sparking decades of research and development in the field

Participants of the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence. Including Marvin Minsky, Claude Shannon and Ray Solomonoff.

Source Achievement.org

What are 1956 Individuals?

1956 Individuals are a business to business product that was born out of the interactive technology that we created as part of our video game project within SKC Games Studio. Essentially they are interactive fully customisable characters that can be given knowledge to interact with and educate people across a diverse range of industries and settings.

About SKC Games Studio

SKC Games Studio are an independent video game developer based in the UK. Our focus is on creating engaging, enlightening and informative story-driven RPGs that challenge players of all ages.

Our mission is to revolutionise the gaming industry by delivering unparalleled entertainment that utilises cutting-edge technologies and immerses players in new and exciting environments and worlds.