Vocal Customisation

Choose from over 30 standard voices, trained by real voices – exclusive to 1956.

Or, if you have a particular requirement and need to create your own custom voice models you can, generated with our AI training scripts.


Your digital character can switch languages with ease and respond in the language that they are addressed in.

No touch screen or language selection required!

Visual Customisation

Digital characters are available  as ‘off the shelf’ or fully customisable:

  • Gender

  • Skin colour

  • Hair colour

  • Hair style

  • Age

  • Body shape

  • Clothing, such as a company uniform or generic style based upon your requirements

Content Management System

When you deploy a 1956 Individuals character in your organisation you want to ensure it is up to date and relevant to your organisation. You can influence this via our content management system. We'll provide you with access to your account and devices on our website alongside an interface for managing the knowledge your characters have.

Introduced a new product to your shop or a new item to your exhibit? No problem! Simply upload the information about it through the Content Management System and your digital character will be able to have conversations about it immediately.