Our state-of-the-art digital characters can have a two-way conversation with your customers, visitors and staff.

Simply upload the information you'd like them to be expert in through our Content Management System and your 1956 Individual will draw on this domain specific knowledge to converse naturally.

1956 Individuals is a fusion of technologies that allows you to embed our product in physical or virtual environments. From full length portrait totems with characters engaging your visitors, to online based workflow assistants, we can do it all. It's automation with a personal touch.

In physical form 1956 Individuals can be implemented in three sizes. We call these the 1956, the Max and the Mini.

Our hardware incorporates a camera, noise cancelling microphone and speakers optimised for interaction with people in any setting.

We can also integrate with existing AV on site if required.



The 1956 screen is a full length portrait screen designed for people to walk up and engage in conversation with one of our characters in whatever setting you want, be it Museum, Reception, Greeter or any one of a hundred or more scenarios.


The Max is a large 55 inch portrait totem allowing clear engagement with audiences focused on the characters head and upper body. With black glass front and back it is a modern and stylish unit equipped with a camera, microphone and speakers.


The Mini is designed for smaller environments and desktop deployment where engagement does not necessarily have to be as visually impactful. The screen is circa 28 inches landscape orientation.

If you have a specific hardware requirement in mind, talk to us. Our 1956 Individuals can be incorporated into Mobile Apps and other hardware sizes too.

Our hardware can feature your branding - or no branding at all.

Facial Recognition

1956 Individuals includes optional facial recognition capability. This can be utilised to enhance a users' experience of our products. For example, remembering a persons previous interactions to provide information more relevant to that users interests in future engagements.

  • Utilising the power of multiple screens

  • Visitors can agree to be recognised so that their experience can be personalised

  • Compliance and governance, according to your company policy


Our proprietary software combined with SKC lenses, alongside integration with large language models, allows a baseline for character engagement which is then fully customisable to be imparted with knowledge and rules of engagement appropriate to your organisation.

Underpinned by responsible and ethical AI

  • SKC fosters the principles of IEEE ethics of Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AIS) to help protect, differentiate and grow product adoption

  • SKC lenses moderate independently of the Large Language Model (LLM) to keep 1956 Individuals content within the specified domain. We follow the principles of lock down everything and open up only what you need

  • We do not use custom neural voices alongside deepfakes of the talent