John Harte Joins 1956 Individuals as Digital Partnerships Manager

1956 Individuals have announced the appointment of John Harte as Digital Partnerships Manager. With a background in television production and marketing, and over a decade of experience in the museums and visitor attractions sector, John brings a wealth of expertise in leveraging digital tools to reach new audiences.

Harnessing the power of AI, 1956 Individuals allows organisations to design, build and deploy their own digital characters who can converse naturally with customers and visitors. Use cases include digital greeters and receptionists, interactive museum exhibits, educators and trainers.
The digital characters, which are accessed via screens on-site, can also switch languages with ease, responding to the language in which they are addressed every time.

Named after the birth of Artificial Intelligence at the Dartmouth Summer Research Project in 1956, the company aims to help organisations surprise and delight their audiences, address staff shortages and to plug knowledge gaps. The digital characters are lifelike and fully customisable, allowing firms to complement their existing staff with cost-effective digital team members who can deliver a consistent service, 24/7.

Commenting on his appointment, John said “At a time when AI is playing an increasingly important role in our lives, I’m delighted to be joining a company who are on a mission to safely harness this technology in a meaningful and innovative way. It also happens to be really fun!”.

Asa Burrows, co-founder of 1956 Individuals said “It’s great to have someone with John’s experience on the team and we know that he shares our vision for delivering a high-quality, state-of-the-art product. We’re committed to making AI a reliable tool that improves customer and visitor interactions and to do so in a way that is responsible and ethical”.

1956 Individuals, a business-to-business product, emerged from the cutting-edge technology developed as part of SKC Games Studio's video game projects. The brand specialises in creating story and character-driven role-playing games that educate, engage, and challenge players.


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